Friday, 20 May 2011

my LUVLY lil bro :)

i gonna share you guys bout my lil bro :)
baru 4 tahon tapi badan mengalahkan 
budak 5 tahon :)

alamak!terbalik pulakk..
ha,ny la die.hehe :)
si gemokk kuh!

ala,terbalik jugak la.
lantak lah.hehe
amer suker amek gambar.(macam aq :))
kadang2 dok depan cermin berangan sorang2
hahhaa.kelakar law korang dapat tgok!

ha..finally da terbalik.hehe
cer tgok?die emang suke amek gambar :)
aq sayang die sangat2.hehe
kadang2 bile aq merajok dengan die nanti aq buat2 nangis.
nnti die cakap"ala kakcik jgn la nangis.ok2 amer mintak maaf"
sweety gileeeee~

die ny ngade2 siket.
yla last boy kan.bse la ue
tapi mmg rindu kat die law bjauhan lame ngn die
macam2 kerenahnyer.
law cite kat sini emang xabis.

pape pon,akak sayang ko la amer !!!

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

keBOSANan di malam kePISANGan :)

malam2 macam ny bosan sungguh.
xtahu nak buat ape.
hah! idea !
perasan sikit malam nyh..hehhehe. :P

nak lelaki yang macam mamat nyh :)
(gatal :P)

like :)

Pink Couture Wedding Dress

pink and purple.hehehe
lagi lawa law aq pkai :P
(perasan mood)

lawa jugak :)

pape pon emang best dapat camny.
p ingat kate2 mak.
"belaja btol2 keje baik2 baru dapat merase sume ny!"
*baik la mak! :)

Tuesday, 17 May 2011


it hard to get trusted by the person that we love,rite?
so,we take the iniciative to lying.
eventhough we noe we didnt mean to be.

then,when the person that we love noe we lie to them,,
the percentages of trustworthy become glommy.
they not trust to us again.

we felt nothing.
explain how many time,it will be useless damn thing.
when we lost trustworthy from people,,
then will never trust us again.

we felt nothing.
we lost all we had.
nothing we can do anymore.

only waiting.

one day the ray of trust
 will come back to us.

all we gonna do now is try to change ourself.
and be ourself :)

Monday, 16 May 2011

tak kesampaian :'(

1st januari until today.
i dun noe how to describe about our relation.
tiap2 hari jadi become gloomy.
until now kami x lagi punye ape2 ikatan.
mmg xboley trime tapi aq kuatkan diri tok lupekan die.

sume kenangan aq n die dah aq buang jaoh2.
hanye ade 1 lagi je peninggalan die.
nak buang sayang.
bub 'comel' :)

comel kan?? hehe
ini je yang aq tinggal kenangan dengan die.
tapi nak buat macam mane.
hubungan kitorang x kesampaian.

ape2 pon aq akan sentiase igt die
bub hati nie hanye tok die :)

one day,i wish he will be mine again.
hope he hear my wishper :'(

always loving u,AMER ALIF !

Sunday, 15 May 2011

jejaka PISANG

xde keje nak buat so aq nak promote kat korang sorang jejake PISANG.:)

perwatakan macam gelabah semacam.hahaha
perasaan terlebih la die nyh.
cakap sikit cair.
ape pon xboley.

tapi yang bestnyer die ny die caring kat kawan2 die
macam kat aq.hehe :)
konon humble la die nyh.
mulot die emg selambe (cakap lepas)
tapi xper.da faham sangat dah !
pape pon lu emang best la jejake PISANG :)


assalamualaikum :)
nothing much bout me.
aq baru je start buat blog nyh.haha
macam kelakar pulak xtahu ape2.
xper2.practise make perfect.hehe

PISANG.nape aq suke tulis PISANG.
ntah la.bagi aq ianya macam eksotik lak ayat pisang nyh.haha (padahal xsuke makan pisang)
PISANG aq jadikan die comercial name tok blog aq.hehe

well.nothing much to write it out.
time to learn from the expertise.choww!

ohh~ lalallalalalal~ pisang~~